Technical Assistance for Oakland Arts
November 9 - December 10
14 free workshops will be provided to Oaklanders through the entirety of this no-cost online program designed for Oakland Organizations and Artists between November 9 and December 10, 2020. Technical Assistance areas that will be addressed are training on online tools available for programming and production; producing content utilizing low-cost tools and technology; the aesthetic associated with virtual presentations; social media and marketing strategies; and strategies on how to monetize one’s presence. Youth Speaks will be partnering with YR Media, Zoo Labs, and the Life is Living Cohort, and the workshops will focus on the needs/wants areas of the artists/organizations, as well as provide coaching sessions between teams from the providers (Youth Speaks Productions, Zoo Labs YR Media and the Life is Living Cohort) and the participants.
Monday • November 9
4p - 5:30pm PST | Grounding Rituals - Facilitated by Hodari B. Davis, and Joan Osato (Life is Living Cohort)
Coaching Session that aligns and codifies shared understanding, language and connection to mission, strategy and content. Identifying your audiences and engagement strategy.
6p - 7:30pm PST | Seeds
Transferring skill sets to virtual engagement and production. How to utilize, train up your existing staff and artists for virtual programming; a 101 tutorial on pre-production, production and post production, as well as how to budget for it. Training on online tools and platforms including pros and cons of each system, costs and skill sets that are transferable to online programming and production.
Wednesday • November 11
4p - 5:30pm PST | Zoomlife
101 Tutorial on everyday use/user friendly platforms. Zoom world practical applications, tricks and tips. Tech Guide in safety, connectivity, equipment. Producing content and media assets utilizing low-cost tools and technology. Britt White, Production Manager takes you through the backstage into organizing and running your show. Tech guides included.
6pm-7:30pm PST | Advanced Tutorial
Advanced Tutorial on everyday use/user friendly platforms. Bringing the aesthetics of your organization, artists and engagement priorities into the design of your program. Defining aesthetics, goals, participants and barriers and how to address them. Setting your stage, capture process in the time of Covid. Editing, and Rehearsal and Tech. This training involves aesthetics, and innovative practice in virtual presentations and programming. Includes examples of presentations, process and technology by which they were achieved.
Monday • November 16
4pm - 5:30pm PST | Open Broadcasting Software (OBS) & Wirecast Introduction
Open Broadcasting Software (OBS) & Wirecast Introduction and tutorials. In this session we’ll introduce you to advanced programs that help you capture, produce and stream your content for broadcast. Maximiliano Urruzmendi, our Technical Director takes you through the basics of how the programs work. Handouts Included.
6pm - 7:30pm PST | Principles of Streaming, Wirecast, YouTube, Twitch platforms (cont.)
Principles of Streaming, Wirecast, YouTube, Twitch platforms continued. Now that you have the basic outline of how the platforms work and are in communication with each other, it’s time to plot out your workflow and take it into broadcast. Maximiliano takes you through various streaming services and platforms and the pros and cons of each. Handouts included.
Wednesday • November 18
1pm-3pm PST | Merchandising, Monetizing and Creating earned Revenue Streams
Yavette Holts and Eb Campbell of BAOBOB (Bay Area Organization of Black Owned Business, Life is Living Cohort) - present a high level overview of free ecommerce platforms in order to support business owners and non profits who need help optimizing their online store(s) . We’ll take the participants through the platforms WooCommerce and Big Cartel. This is a two-part session, to conclude on Thursday.
7-8:30 pm PST | Pivoting your organization and practice (now what?)
Pivoting your organization and practice (now what?) - We’ll facilitate a conversation about strategies and frameworks for a sustainable future for organizations and artists. In utilizing the knowledge they have acquired, we’ll guide and support participants in visioning next steps. Breakout Sessions and Consulting on Scenarios will look at Social media and marketing strategies that apply to virtual programming, including Branding, Analytics and their use in fundraising and strategies for monetizing your platforms. Social Media Toolkit Included.
Thursday • November 19
1pm-3pm PST | Merchandising, Monetizing and Creating earned Revenue Streams - Part 2
Yavette Holts and Eb Campbell of BAOBOB (Bay Area Organization of Black Owned Business, Life is Living Cohort) - present a high level overview of free ecommerce platforms in order to support business owners and non profits who need help optimizing their online store(s) . We’ll take the participants through the platforms WooCommerce and Big Cartel.
YR Media (Three Part Series) • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday • December 1, 2, 3
Social Circles: Building an Audience in Apocalypse
Now that your fans can’t experience you in a live venue, what do you do to retain and build an audience? How can artists create a personal brand? In this three-part conversation, YR Media’s social team and youth social contributors will show you how to start, and then nurture, an authentic social presence, with recommendations of which platform(s) to target depending on your demographic.
Tuesday, Dec 1 | 6-7:30 pm PST | Getting Started: Developing A Social Media Presence
- Overview of Platforms
- "Which Platform/s are right for me?"
- Creating your profile and strategy overview.
- Optimal posting times, unique audience engagement best practices.
Wednesday, Dec 2 | 6-7:30 pm PST | Leveling Up: Leveraging Your Existing Social Media Presence
- Platform Segmentation 101
- Instagram + Facebook Live Events + Interaction
- Activating your existing online audience
- Leveraging partnerships and relationships for exposure to new audiences.
Thursday, Dec 3 | 6-7:30 pm PST | New Frontiers: Increasing Your Digital Footprint
- Identifying potential new social media formats, approaches, and platforms.
- Audience Migration 101. Piloting new approaches
ZOO LABS • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday • December 8, 9, 10
Zoo Labs invests in artists so they can build equity in their communities. This particular workshop series is recommended for artists & collectives working in music. Tuesday, Dec 8 | 5-7:00 pm PST | Your Story Brand | Mashama Thompson
Attendees will walk away knowing how to digitally tell a story that can sell and market their brand to their customers.
Wednesday, Dec 9 | 5-7:00 pm PST | The Digital Roll Out Strategy | Lance Coleman, Fuze the MC
Attendees will walk away knowing how to strategically engage fans and create buzz around music, videos or other online content.
Thursday, Dec 10 | 5-7:00 pm PST | How to Get Paid and Follow the Trends | Fairview MBA
Attendees will walk away knowing how to collect money through their digital royalties and understand their data to know what is working in order to make future strategies.